All actions performed via CTFreak’s web UI can also be performed via its RESTful JSON API.

Some use cases

Execute a task

To execute a given task, start by retrieving its Task Id from its dedicated page in the web UI, then run the following query:

  • HTTP POST: https://{YOUR CTFREAK INSTANCE}/api/v1/executions

  • Body:

      "taskId": "01G9SAGYJM6544WZR8P3W7XB5Q"

If you launch a parameterizable task, each parameter is initialized with its default value, but you can override it.

For example, for a task with the parameters:

  • COUNTRY_CODE of type selector
  • CLEAN of type checkbox
  • MAX_RETRY of type integer
  • START_DATE of type date

You can attempt to run the following query:

  • HTTP POST: https://{YOUR CTFREAK INSTANCE}/api/v1/executions

  • Body:

      "taskId": "01G9SAGYJM6544WZR8P3W7XB5Q",
      "parameterMap": {
          "COUNTRY_CODE": "US",
          "CLEAN": true,
          "MAX_RETRY": 5,
          "START_DATE": "2025-01-25"

Create a local command task (without shell)

  • HTTP POST: https://{YOUR CTFREAK INSTANCE}/api/v1/tasks

  • Body:

      "projectId": "my-awesome-project",
      "name": "My awesome task",
      "description": "This is really an awesome task",
      "multipleExecutionPolicy": "REJECT",
      "notifyAtStartupFg": false,
      "notifyAtEndFg": false,
      "notifyOnFailureFg": false,
      "notifierId": null,
      "scheduledFg": true,
      "cronExpression": "0 9 * * *",
      "timeout": 30,
      "timeoutDurationUnit": "MINUTE",
      "executionRetentionPeriod": 30,
      "taskType": "LOCAL_COMMAND",
      "parameters": [],
      "localCommandTask": {
          "useShellFg": false,
          "commandLine": null,
          "program": "ip",
          "args": [
          "logOutput": "ALWAYS"
  • Response:

      "taskId": "01J8ZWXQ1572KC6XGE7T74PT4P",
      "creationTs": 1727647374373505276,
      "updateTs": 1727647374373505276,
      "userId": "01GV1PR26RXBMV4PCPV5TEK1E9",
      "projectId": "my-awesome-project",
      "name": "My awesome task",
      "description": "This is really an awesome task",
      "parameters": [],
      "multipleExecutionPolicy": "REJECT",
      "notifyAtStartupFg": false,
      "notifyAtEndFg": false,
      "notifyOnFailureFg": false,
      "notifierId": null,
      "scheduledFg": true,
      "cronExpression": "0 9 * * *",
      "timeout": 30,
      "timeoutDurationUnit": "MINUTE",
      "executionRetentionPeriod": 30,
      "taskType": "LOCAL_COMMAND",
      "localCommandTask": {
          "useShellFg": false,
          "commandLine": null,
          "program": "ip",
          "args": [
          "logOutput": "ALWAYS"