Docker installation

CTFreak provides automatically updated Docker images within the JYP Software Docker Hub organization.

System requirements

  • Docker Engine
  • Docker Compose
  • AMD64 architecture
  • CTFreak configuration/data folder must not be located on a network drive
  • An active internet connection during installation
  • An active internet connection for at least 2 hours per day to allow license check (only required for the STARTUP & PRO Edition)

NB: Ansible integration is only available via a manual installation on a Linux or FreeBSD host.


To install CTFreak as a service, we will rely on docker compose command.

Create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content (adapt timezone, proxy, port mapping or replace ./ctfreak-data with another folder according to your needs):

version: "3.5"
    image: jypsoftware/ctfreak
    container_name: ctfreak
      - TZ=Europe/Paris                                     # Set timezone used to schedule your tasks
#      - HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:password@proxy.local:8080  # Uncomment if proxy is needed to check the license key
      - "6700:6700"
      - ./ctfreak-data:/data # CTFreak config folder to store logs, embedded database, config file
    restart: "unless-stopped"

Then while in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml run:

docker compose up -d

At startup, CTFreak will use its dedicated config folder ./ctfreak-data to store its configuration file, embedded database and log files.

Navigate to http://localhost:6700.

Log in with the default user: admin / password: ctfreak.

To complete this installation, we encourage you to configure a reverse proxy and update the global settings.



docker compose pull
docker compose up -d



docker compose stop
docker compose rm